Exhibitor Information 2024
Updated 13/08/2024
Organised by:
Mold Food & Drink Festival Committee
Chair: Gareth Williams 07917 054135
Vice Chair: Anthony Parry 07710 360717
Treasurer and Exhibitor Co-ordinator: Lindsay Hicks 07545 431723
email: info@moldfoodfestival.co.uk
Welcome to the Mold Food and Drink Festival [MFDF]. If you are a returning exhibitor, you know how successful it is, if you are a new exhibitor then hopefully you will find it pleasurable and profitable.
The following information contains all the details you need to know so please take some time to read it carefully. We ask that you complete all forms fully as omissions or errors cause us unnecessary problems and are very time consuming. If you have any queries and/or questions do not hesitate to get in touch. We try to be as supportive and as flexible as possible in accommodating specific requests but as well as entertainment and shows we have over 120 exhibitors to coordinate so unfortunately some things are not possible.
Exhibitor Stands in Marquees
The space that you hire will measure 3m x 2 m. Each space will be provided with one table measuring 6ft. [1.83m]. Stands must be hired and manned for the full two days with trading continuing until 6pm on Saturday and 5pm on the Sunday. Exhibitors must not
pack away before the end of the festival, this is particularly important as late afternoon visitors should enjoy the same opportunities as earlier visitors and packing away should not pose a risk to the public. Exhibitors who breach this rule may be barred from future MFDF.
There are no specific lights to individual stalls so in your calculation for electricity please bear this in mind. The marquee is illuminated by overhead strip lights.
Please specify the height of your stand if applicable and any information boards etc. that you propose to use as a backdrop.
Chalets, Vans and Trailers, Gazebos
Wooden chalets, 3m x 2.4m, with opening display frontage and clear spaces for owner provided vans, trailers and gazebos are available around the outdoor MFDF display area. These spaces again are calculated on a 3m frontage and does not include additional widths above 3m, nor does it include space for tables, chairs, and BBQ etc. such extra space can be provided, if made known to the organisers in the planning process, but there will be a cost implication. Those inside the marquee will need to cease trading the marquees will be closed up then and be subject to security protocols. Those in the outside area however have the opportunity to trade
until 8.00pm on the Saturday with live music on stage will be playing until 8.00pm. Overnight security will be on site from the preceding Tuesday to the following Monday morning.
Standard, rectangular pin electricity sockets at 240 volts enabled to give a maximum of 16amps. Please ensure that you have ordered the appropriate electrical requirements on the
application form for your stand/unit. It may not be possible to make available any single supplies in excess of 16 amps. Electricity used is included in the price of the socket. All of our sockets will accept a standard rectangular pin plug. If you are booking in a chiller van,
please state your interface requirements. Adaptors are not permitted for safety reasons. Single and multiple outlet extensions are permitted and must be capable of carrying the current you require throughout the two days of the MFDF. In designing the electrical system, it is imperative that we be told of any and all electrical equipment that exhibitors will be using.
You need to state the wattage of each appliance being used. This must be clearly noted on your booking form as the electrical load to your stand will be based on the information that you give us. A PAT certificate must cover all cables/leads and equipment and be current on the date of the MFDF.
This is in accordance with regulations 4, 5 and 6 of the “Electricity at Work Regulations 1989” and we will check on this. We cannot allow the use of electric kettles unless it is part of your application. In the past the use of such appliances has caused the electrics to “trip out” due to excessive and unplanned demand on that particular circuit causing problems for us all.
Gas and any other Fuels You must disclose on your application if you are using bottled gas or any other fuel. We will need to examine the details of every application. If using such you must ensure that no member of the public has access to the equipment and that such equipment is
cordoned off, secured and away from electrical connections.
If you are cooking from your stand and there are hot surfaces being used, you must ensure that the public cannot reach or touch such surfaces. Keep such areas well within your allotted area and ensure that there is a physical barrier between such surfaces and the public.
Apart from electricity which has been dealt with above we will be providing the following:
· Overnight security
· Cold fresh water
· Trade waste disposable facilities/area. We now comply with the new Welsh Recycling requirements Workplace recycling | GOV.WALES An area will be provided for the collection of waste, but you are responsible for getting your waste to the collection area or disposing of it safely and legally yourself. Waste recycling information and facility details are available on request. If you have hot oils, grease, or fat that you need to dispose of, you will need to make your own arrangements to store and remove off site in accordance with statutory regulations. On no account should such waste be put into the drainage system. Do not pile waste materials around your stall and leave there for others to clear. The removal of the waste to an allotted area for later collection is your responsibility. Please do not leave waste on the site at the end of the MFDF and please do not use the portable toilets as a means of getting rid of waste liquids from your stall.
· Medical care is through St. John’s Ambulance and para medical assistance.
Access to the site
There will be access to the site for exhibitors as from 11am on the Friday. Please keep vehicles to a minimum and do not block roadways and entrances whilst unloading. By Saturday morning we will have locked down the site, secured the fencing, laid out tables, chairs, directional signs and got everything ready for the opening at 10am, so there is no vehicle access to site on the Saturday morning after 8.30am. Once in place it will not be possible to move vehicles off site until close down on Sunday night. There will be no vehicle access onto the site on Saturday nor Sunday morning. There is no room for vehicles to be parked on site for the whole of the weekend.
The Venue
New Street car park is just a short walk from the centre of the market town of Mold. The MFDF is set up at the bottom end of the car park, firm under foot and the loss of parking for the public is offset by a free park and ride service. We use the free parking at Flintshire County Council headquarters at County Hall for this service. Free exhibitor parking has been negotiated a short distance away with the kind permission of the Local Health Board. Exhibitors must use this facility on both days. There is no exhibitor parking on site nor on the remaining car park and certainly not in the nearby medical centre.
If you wish to sponsor all or part of the MFDF there are plenty of opportunities to get your company name known. Contact the MFDF office on 07917 054135 for more information.
Media Coverage
We constantly update the media about MFDF, and its participating exhibitors and we receive consistent coverage both in Welsh and English in the local media, radio, and television. Press releases are sent out regularly and for specific news items. We are always looking to feature our exhibitors in such stories; so, if you have a news story related to your business, let us know and where possible we will feature your business in the press. We produce promotional leaflets which are distributed all across North & Mid Wales and Northwest England.
Our website, moldfoodfestival.co.uk receives thousands of hits and we are linked to many businesses and public websites. Please let us know about your business, send us pictures that we can include on our website.
We are also on Facebook and Twitter and encourage you to engage with the festival through your social media channels.
The Organisers
The MFDF Management Board is a group of volunteer members who organise the MFDF unpaid. The Board’s aim is to run a successful festival which benefits the exhibitors and the area and in particular the town of Mold and the county of Flintshire and draws attention to the local produce on offer. We aim to show Mold and indeed Flintshire as a visitor destination in itself with excellent quality visitor experiences. We aim to support local food, local food business and support their sustainability.
Chair: Gareth Williams 07917 054135
Vice Chair: Anthony Parry 07710 360717
Treasurer and Exhibitor Co-ordinator: Lindsay Hicks 07545 431723
The MFDF is strongly supported by the community and by local voluntary organisations as well as Mold Town Council and Flintshire County Council.
All stands must be fully paid up by the 30th of June or we may re-let them
Please to pay by BACS then the account and sort code information is:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Mold Food and Drink Festival
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 78561168
We look forward to hearing from you and hope we can make the 2024 festival bigger, better, and more rewarding all round than ever.
Exhibitor Parking
Exhibitors must use the designated car parking area a few minutes away, on both MFDF days. We cannot support you if you get a parking fine. Parking on New Street car park is not available to exhibitors. Please do not disregard this request. We make use of the car parking facilities at the nearby medical centre with their kind permission. However, we designate this area for
disabled parking, emergency vehicles and some organiser vehicles. This area is also an emergency meeting point for medical, ambulance and police should there be such a call and therefore a whole section is left empty in anticipation of such use.
There is no parking for exhibitors at the medical centre.
Please see the next page for more detailed terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions
· Whether or not an applicant is offered a space will depend on creating a well-balanced event with a wide choice of stalls although initially we will accept applications on a first come first served basis.
· Exhibitors must conduct their business in a way that does not interfere with the interests of other exhibitors and must not canvas for customers.
· Exhibitors must be selling their main, normal product lines, and should not be selling products not normally associated with their business. In certain product areas we will limit the sellers to maintain choice for the public.
· Smoking is not allowed in any enclosed undercover area; this includes the Pergolas and not near any combustible materials/containers anywhere on the site. E.g. near gas bottles.
· All stands must be set up at least 1 hour before MFDF opens to the public at 10am. In the interest of public safety traders must not dismantle nor remove any part of their stand until after the event closes at 5pm on the Sunday.
· No part of the boundary fence is to be opened or breached in any way at any time. No one has authority to tell you differently.
· £5 million of public liability insurance is in place but exhibitors are reminded that they are responsible for their own insurance for their goods and no liability whatsoever is assumed by the organisers for loss or damage however caused. This includes cancellation of the MFDF for any reason.
· Exhibitors must have and bring current Food Hygiene, Electrical Safety and Gas, if applicable, certificates in place as well as their own public liability insurance as they are responsible for their own goods and any matters arising there from including accidents and/or injuries to the public and any related costs arising there from.
· Supplied passes for exhibitors and staff must be prominently displayed at all times. No re- admittance to the site will be allowed without these passes and/or arm bands. Everyone must wear their arm bands on site or security will ask you to leave. Passes are not transferable and nearer to MFDF we will contact you with regards to passes and the number you need.
· All electrical cables, wires, and extensions as well as all equipment must have a current PAT certification. We do not allow the use of adaptors. Power used must not exceed what has been booked. Generators are not allowed on site.
· All exhibitors must clearly display their prices in an easy-to-understand format and in a size that can be readily and easily read.
· All exhibitors must comply with Flintshire County Council health and safety and trading standards requirements. The site will be inspected by officers of FCC on the Saturday morning. Please ensure that you comply with all current Health and Food safety legislation.
· Exhibitors must not allow their stand to cover an area greater than they have paid for: i.e. 3mx2m or multiples thereof.
· Cabin exhibitors must deposit £50 with the organisers to obtain cabin keys. This will be refunded upon return of the key.
· Any cooking appliances or other hot surfaces must be situated within an exhibitor’s stand area and must be enclosed by suitable barriers to prevent accidental contact by any member of the public.
· All exhibitors must agree to any request by a MFDF committee member to immediately undertake any action deemed necessary in the interests of public safety.
· In agreeing these terms, you also agree for us to update you and send you information via your email address – this will include newsletters as well as direct information concerning your presence at the festival relevant to your business. However, if you wish to opt out of receiving information and updates, please let us know.
· All exhibitors are required to prepare and submit a Fire Risk Assessment with their application, which should cover all of their activities during the festival.
· On Saturday, live music will stop at 8pm, last orders for drinks 8.00pm. On Sunday, live music stops at 5.00pm, last orders 4.45pm.
Friday Night
All the above applies to Friday night with the following differences:
· Set up is to be completed before 5.00pm, ready for opening at 6.00pm.
· You will be able to remove your vehicles once the public have vacated the area. (Catering only).
· Live music will stop at 10.00pm, last orders for drinks 9.45pm.
All exhibitors will receive an updated Exhibitor Pack prior to the event detailing all key requirements.